Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 7

Finally have all of my data collected! I have answers on whether one has facebook or not for 107 people, which I think will be enough to assume a normal model.

I crossed off the one proportion thing I did in the last post because it was wrong. I'll try to do the correct one today, as well as getting all the data into the 2 proportion z-test.

After that, I only have the two-page paper detailing my analysis of the data collected! yayyyyyyy~

Onto the actual stuff:
Proportion of people on Facebook: 102/107
5 people NOT on Facebook
All replied YES to going on the Internet/going online for leisure (not surprising at all)

84.5% of people 12-24 who go online
87% of people 12-17 who go online
27.4% of people under 20 in the US out of total population ( according to census projections from 1996)
24.3% of people under 18 years in the US from 2009 estimate
9.3% of people on Facebook are under 17 years; 14,514,800 people (as of today)

The problem at this point is finding out which one of these proportions I should use to create the proportion of people who go on facebook over the national population under 18 years. The issue is that checkfacebook.com, which is the best way to see the percentage and the people, goes only from less than 13 to 17, and then has a separate 18-24 group. What to do?

Yeah, I think I'll use the under 18 years stats with the 13-17 stats, since it doesn;t specifically say for the under 18 that 18 is included? So I think that will work.

24.3/100 =x1/307006550(2009 estimate)
x1=74602591.65 kids under 18 years
87/100= x2/74602591.65
x2= 64904254.74
14514800/x2= 22.4% which I'm fairly sure is totally inaccurate.

Now I'm wondering whether or not it would be mroe factual to use the statistic on checkfacebook.com that 70.59% of the online population use a Facebook and use that to find the total number of kids under 18 who use Facebook online. It would make a lot more sense than the confused stuff I did up there >.>

70.59/100= 14514800/x
x=20562119.28, which says the there are about 21 million kids under 18 who go online. That makes more sense, and it keeps the data from he same place and not from a census from 2009 or a census from 1995 or whatever. I think I'll use that as my proportion of national online population of kids under 18 who use Facebook.

2-prop z-test tells me it's totally off and that p1=/ p2. I'll do more of that tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. It makes a good bit of sense if you consider all demographics that could be counted as to Facebook users. Some kids just might not want to go on, others may not have access, and still others may want to maintain a shred of privacy :)
